Yiannis Papadopoulos - _ELOS
WIELS Project Room, Tuesday to Sunday, 14:00-18:00
Former WIELS resident Yiannis Papadopoulos presents a selection of new works in the Project Room. Discover his work until 20 March from Tuesday to Sunday from 14:00 to 18:00.
Opening: Wednesday 02-03, 18:00-21:00
Free entry

Yiannis Papadopoulos, _ELOS
Elos is the marshes, the wetland, the unstable monument on the outskirts of (his) place of origin. It is a fragile and disregarded environment, which now will become accessible for the public with wide well-paved paths and wooden observation towers. (He) makes a graphic tale with etchings based on visual sources from the site. (He) worked with this painstaking method to create an imagery during the distracting period of Covid-19 quarantine, taking daily walks to the wild wetland. A local story meets a universal situation of eco-anxiety, where humans try to care about nature in the wrong way.
Natural wetlands have often been referred to as “earth’s kidneys”.
The works for the expansion of the parking lot dissolved the reproduction area of the small Triton, and what is left of the threatened population will be completed by the stray cats’ camp, run by cat lovers.
Bizarre ecosophy, isn’t it?