We invite you to contribute to the realisation of the artistic programme of WIELS. You can do so by joining one of our Clubs! By doing so, you will not only provide direct support to the artistic work and goals of the arts centre, but you will also have access to numerous benefits.

Photo by Alexandra Bertels
WE Club
€ 300
Of which € 250 tax deductible
Young art lover? Support and meet upcoming artists and talents!
Of which € 250 tax deductible
Invitation to all WE CLUB activities
Mention of your name in the entrance hall of WIELS, in the annual brochure and on the website
Free access to all exhibitions and complementary programming
Invitations to the previews of the exhibitions and dinners for our members
Curatorial tours at major international events like the Venice Biennale
Invitations to exclusive events, including visits to the best private collections and artist studios in Belgium and abroad
Catalogues published by WIELS
Priority access to all exclusive events organised in Belgium and abroad

WIELS Club White
€ 550
Of which € 450 tax deductible
Participate in VIP events at WIELS and get free access to the exhibitions and lectures for a year.
Of which € 450 tax deductible

Invitation to all WE CLUB activities
Mention of your name in the entrance hall of WIELS, in the annual brochure and on the website
Free access to all exhibitions and complementary programming
Invitations to the previews of the exhibitions and dinners for our members
Curatorial tours at major international events like the Venice Biennale
Invitations to exclusive events, including visits to the best private collections and artist studios in Belgium and abroad
Catalogues published by WIELS
Priority access to all exclusive events organised in Belgium and abroad

WIELS Club Blue
€ 1.100
Of which € 950 tax deductible
Discover - together with the artists and curators - the world of contemporary creation, thanks to an exclusive programme of encounters and activities in Belgium and abroad.
Of which € 950 tax deductible

Invitation to all WE CLUB activities
Mention of your name in the entrance hall of WIELS, in the annual brochure and on the website
Free access to all exhibitions and complementary programming
Invitations to the previews of the exhibitions and dinners for our members
Curatorial tours at major international events like the Venice Biennale
Invitations to exclusive events, including visits to the best private collections and artist studios in Belgium and abroad
Catalogues published by WIELS
Priority access to all exclusive events organised in Belgium and abroad
WIELS Club Gold
€ 2.500
Of which € 2.350 tax deductible
Become a patron of our community and enjoy priority access to all events and activities.
Of which € 2.350 tax deductible
Invitation to all WE CLUB activities
Mention of your name in the entrance hall of WIELS, in the annual brochure and on the website
Free access to all exhibitions and complementary programming
Invitations to the previews of the exhibitions and dinners for our members
Curatorial tours at major international events like the Venice Biennale
Invitations to exclusive events, including visits to the best private collections and artist studios in Belgium and abroad
Catalogues published by WIELS
Priority access to all exclusive events organised in Belgium and abroad
WE Club
€ 300Of which € 250 tax deductible
WIELS Club White
€ 550Of which € 450 tax deductible
WIELS Club Blue
€ 1.100Of which € 950 tax deductible
WIELS Club Gold
€ 2.500Of which € 2.350 tax deductible
Invitation to all WE CLUB activities
Mention of your name in the entrance hall of WIELS, in the annual brochure and on the website
Free access to all exhibitions and complementary programming
Invitations to the previews of the exhibitions and dinners for our members
Curatorial tours at major international events like the Venice Biennale
Invitations to exclusive events, including visits to the best private collections and artist studios in Belgium and abroad
Catalogues published by WIELS
Priority access to all exclusive events organised in Belgium and abroad
Diane van Impe
Claire Bosteels
Meetings and discoveries
Each year, the members of the WIELS Club have many opportunities to discover the programming of WIELS in depth as well as other activities offered such as studio visits, trips, exclusive events, and many more.
Club Gold Membership: € 2.500
(of which € 2.350 is tax deductible*)
Club Blue Membership: € 1.100
(of which € 950 is tax deductible*)
Club White Membership: € 550
(of which € 450 is tax deductible*)
WE Club Membership: € 300
(of which € 250 is tax deductible*)
* To benefit from tax deductibility, this amount must be paid online to the King Baudouin Foundation, and the remaining amount to the WIELS account.
King Baudouin Foundation
You can make your donation online through this link
IBAN BE34 0014 0021 3790
Communication: WIELS Club 2025
M. et Mme Harold & Clotilde Boël
Dhr. en Mevr. Michel & Virginie Cigrang
Dhr. en Mevr. Jos & Kristine Claeys
Bon et Bonne Nicolas & Emilie D’Ieteren
Cte et Ctesse Wolfgang & Martine de Limburg Stirum
Mr and Mrs Pieter & Olga Dreesmann
Dhr. en Mevr. Filip & Ann Engelen – Gillis
Mme Catherine Lagrange
Dhr. en Mevr. Luc & Carine Haenen – Van Aelst
M. et Mme Jean-Claude & Nicole Marian
Dhr. en Mevr. Michel & Stéphanie Moortgat
Mme Elisa Nuyten
Chevalier van Praet d'Amerloo & M. Harry Tappan Heher
Dhr. en Mevr. Christophe & Patricia Tanghe – Van Thillo
Baron en Barones Jean & Chantal Vandemoortele
M. et Mme Antoine & Sylvie Winckler
M. David Agie de Selsaeten
M. et Mme Albert & Françoise Baronian
M. et Mme Jacques & Christiane Berghmans
Dhr. Luc Boelaert
Mme Isabelle Bourne & Dhr. Werner Vanparijs
Mme Reem Boustany
Mme Marie-Puck Broodthaers
Mme Dominique de Buyl Rotthier
M. et Mme António & Anne Castro Freire
Mme Laurence Christians
Dhr. en Mevr. Christian Cigrang
M. Marc Corbiau & Dhr. James Van Damme
Famille Culot
Dhr. Jan Dams
Dhr. en Mevr. Jan & Martine De Clerck – Van Den Weghe
Dhr. Michel Delfosse
Dhr. en Mevr. Bernard & Lena Dubois
M. et Mme Cédric Frère
M. et Mme Gérald Frère
M. et Mme Alexis & Valérie Froment – Beaumont
M. et Mme Ian et Ségolène Gallienne
Mme Auriane de Giey
M. Frédéric de Goldschmidt – Rothschild
Dhr. André Gordts
Mme Nathalie Guiot
Mme Susanne Hinrichs et M. Peter Klein
M. et Mme Philippe & Béatrice le Hodey
Mevr. Marianne Hoet
M. et Mme Peter & Nathalie Hrechdakian
Dhr. Xavier Hufkens
Dhr. en Mevr. Denis & Colette van Impe
Mme Suzon Ingber et M. Philippe Aisinber
M. et Mme Pierre Iserbyt
Dhr. en Mevr. Guy & Christine Jamar – Demeersseman
Dhr. Jos Jamar
M. et Mme Adnan & Diane Kandiyoti
Mme Vanessa Kandiyoti
M. et Mme Igal & Karen Kandiyoti
Bon Guillaume Kervyn de Volkaersbeke
Dhr. Carl Liekens & Mevr. Lief Keuppens
Mr and Mrs Björn & Helena König
M. Bruno van Lierde
M. et Mme Jean-Marc & Hedieh Loubier
M. et Mme Jacques & Anne Mahaux
Dhr. Frédéric Mariën
Mme Priscilla Maters
Mevr. Greta Meert
Dhr. en Mevr. Philippe & Manu Moortgat
Dhr. en Mevr. Bernard & Sarah Moortgat
Dhr. Nasser Nadjmi
M. Olivier Oury & Mme Christine Stichelmans
Herr und Frau András & Patricia Pálffy
M. Bruno Pani
Mme Lucy Jane Pereira
M. et Mme Jean-Louis & Michèle Rollé
M. et Mme Frédéric & Sophie Rouvez
Dhr. Bas Smets & Mme Eliane Le Roux
Mme Chantal Spaas
Dr Marit Størset
M. et Mme Bruno & Christiane Sulmon – Gillieaux
Mme Anne Sweijd
Mme Micheline Szwajcer
Dhr. Laurent Taevernier
Dhr. Marc Vandecandelaere
Dhr. Henri Vandekerckhove
Mevr. Vanessa Vande Vyvere
M. et Mme Michel & Sophie Van Dyck
M. et Mme Olivier & Corinne Van Regemortel
Mevr. Jocelyne Vanthournout
Dhr. en Mevr. Ivo & Monique Van Vaerenbergh
M. Jacques Verhaegen
Dhr. Boris Vervoordt en Dhr. Michael Gardner
Mme Galila Barzilai – Hollander
M. Eric Bauchau & Mme Pascale van Zuylen
M. Jacques de la Béraudière
Bon et Bonne Jean-Pierre Berghmans
M. et Mme Mickey & Christine Boël
Dhr. Thomas Bossuyt
Dhr. en Mevr. Antoine & Isabelle Bosteels
Dhr. en Mevr. Martin & Sabine Bown – Taevernier
Mme Monique Bréhier
Mevr. Ann Cestelyn & Dhr. Wim Waelput
M. Maxime Charles de la Brousse
M. Michael Callies
M. et Mme Bernard & Marion de Cannière – Beernaerts
M. et Mme Henri & Valentine Cardon de Lichtbuer
Mme Catherine Carniaux
M. Laurent Carnoy
Mme Sara Castro Freire
Mme Astrid Centner – d’Oultremont
M. Lodovico Corsini
Mme Régine Crab – Damiens
Mevr. Laurence Demaré
M. et Mme Benoît & Jacqueline des Cressonnières
Mme Chantal Crousel
M. et Mme Marcel & Anny Czupper
Mme Yolande De Bontridder
Mevr. Isolde De Buck
Mevr. Anny De Decker
M. et Mme Baudouin & Diane Delvaulx
Dhr. en Mevr. Frank Demaegd
Mme Louise Descamps
Dhr. Simon Devolder
Dhr. en Mevr. Freddy & Lysbeth Dezeure – Deruyver
Mr Felipe Dmab
Mevr. Carolyn Drake Kandiyoti
Dhr. Christian Dumolin
Mme Justine Durrett
M. et Mme Pierre Elkiner
Mme Patricia Emsens
M. et Mme Éric & Sabine Fabre
M. et Mme Dominique Frachon
M. Edmond Francey
Dhr. en Mevr. Antoine Friling
M. Christophie Gaillard
Mme Brigitte Geerinckx
M. et Mme Olivier & Nicole Gevart
Bon et Bonne Roland & Anne Marie Gillion Crowet
M. et Mme André & Solange Goldwasser
M. Elie de Gourcuff
Dhr. Peter van der Graaf
Mevr. Gwendolyn Grolig
M. et Mme Quentin et Marie Grosjean
M. Jacques Halpérin
Mme Pauline Haon
Dhr. en Mevr. Philippe & Martine Haspeslagh – Van den Poel
M. et Mme Alexandre Helson
M. et Mme Bernard & Catherine Helson
M. et Mme Eric Hemeleers
M. et Mme Marc & Diana Hemeleers – Pana
Mme Isabelle Henricot
Mme Emmanuelle Indekeu
M. et Mme Samy Israel et Mimi Szyper
M. et Mme Sébastien Janssen
M. et Mme Dimitri Jeurissen
Dhr. en Mevr. Philippe & Inès Kempeneers
Mme Patricia Lambert
M. Gwenvael Launay
Dhr. Kwinten Lavigne
M. et Mme Olivier & Natacha Legrain – Mottart
Mevr. Ilse Le Roy
M. et Mme Danny & Emmy Lipschutz Tawil
Dr Afarine Madani
Mevr. Catherine Mannaerts
M. Eric Maquet
M. Gilbert van Marcke de Lummen
Dhr. en Mevr. Jean-Pierre & Ine Mariën
Mme Giulia Mauri
M. et Mme John & Myriam Mendel
M. Georges Merz
Mme Christine Mostert
M. et Mme François & Mary Motulsky Lowy
Mevr. Claire Mulders
M. et Mme Christian & Brigitte Peêrs
Mr Tony Petersen
Mme Florence Pierre
Mme Isolde Pringiers
Dhr. en Mevr. Micha & Albane Pycke – Paret
M. et Mme Pierre & Béatrice Riga – Taevernier
Mme Sophie Roose
M. et Mme Bernard & Almine Ruiz – Picasso
Dhr. Ferry Saris
M. Luc Saucier
M. et Mme Léonard & Patrizia Schrank
M. et Mme Hans & My-Van Schwab
Mme Claude de Selliers de Moranville
M. et Mme Tommaso & Giuliana Setari Carusi
Mme Anne Siroux
Mme Nelly Smets
M. et Mme Frédéric Sohet
Mme Anne-Véronique Stainier
M. et Mme Bernard Steyaert
Bon et Bonne Raphaël van der Straten Waillet
M. Guy Stuckens
Mme Catherine Sunnen – Rallion
M. Niklas Svennung
Dhr. Frederik Swennen
Baron Swerts
M. et Mme Luc & Valérie de Tillesse
Mme Emmy Tob de Toledo
Mme Vinciane de Traux
Mevr. Lynn Tytgat
Mme Pascale Tytgat
M. Julien Uhoda
Ctesse Honorine d’Ursel
Cte Hubert d’Ursel
Mevr. Stéphanie Vandenecker
M. Emmanuel Van de Putte
Mevr. Mia Van Hool & Valérie Van Hool
Mme Anne Vanhorenbeeck
M. Michel Van Huffel
Mme Colienne Van Strydonck de Burkel
Dhr. Arno Verbeke
Mevr. Nele Verhaeren
Dhr. Bert Verlinden & Mevr. Elly Kog
Dhr. en Mevr. Benedikt & Christine van der Vorst
Mevr. Valerie Wille
M. et Mme Marc & Catherine Wittock
M. et Mme Carol & Geneviève van Wonterghem – Brion
Ms Ayelet Yanai
M. et Mme Jacques & Marie Zucker
M. et Mme Etienne & Martine d’Argembeau
Mme Valérie Bach
Mr Piero Bisello
M. et Mme Michel & Bernadette De Visscher
Mme Jeanne Gilleman
M. et Mme Philippe & Miene Gillion
Mevr. Benedicte Goesaert
M. et Mme Charles & Catherine Haumont
M. Jean-Pierre Hoa
M. et Mme Rodolphe Janssen
Mevr. Patricia de Jong
M. et Mme Fabrice et Manoëlle de Kerchove
Dhr. en Mevr. Karel & Ann Lannoo – De Winter
Mme Irène Laub
Mme Véronique Legein
Dhr. Geert Lenssens
Dhr. Jan Mot
M. Godefroid de Wouters d’Oplinter
Dhr. en Mevr. Jean-Luc & Sophie Peêrs – Van Stratum
Mevr. Aike Roodenburg
Ms Priya Shetty
Dhr. Michel Wegge
M. Karl Martin Wissing
M. Thomas de Wouters d'Oplinter
Mme Emily Zurstrassen
Mme Mathilde Zurstrassen
Amélie Bataille
Clara Beerepoot
Virginie Bekaert
Giulia Blasig
Augustin Bown
Marie de Brouwer
Henry & Astrid de Boysson – Carbonez
Julie Capiau
Henri de Chassey
Virginie Claeys
Quentin Claeys
Xhenis Coba
Lena Coupez
Marixenia Davilla
Laura De Beir
Ann-Catherine De Bie
Ariane Defrain
Cheyenne Dekeyser
Laurence Demaré
Sophie Derom
Oona Dobbelaere
Alice Dossche
Axel Driegelinck
Joao Duarte
Nina-Marie Dumolin
Mélanie Evra
Claire di Felice
Ana Fota
Joachim Froment
Marie de Ganay
Axel Geerts
David Geeurickx
Alexis Gilson
Frederick Gordts
Erlendas Grigorovic
Edouard Grisay
Quentin & Marie Grosjean – Pochet
Elisa Guarnieri
Joachim Guex
Pauline Haon
Elisabeth Herbert
Sasha Holder
Antony Hudek
Laura Krsmanovic
Martin & Juliette de Laet - Saier
Lien Lannoo
Pierre Lannoy
Johan Larsen
Gwenvael Launay
Cécile de Launoit
Edouard Le Grelle
Oriana Lemmens
Scott Lippens
Leo A. Lopez
Marie Loix
Jean & Marie de Malherbe
Kashy Manjolo
Hélène del Marmol
Pierre de Marnix
Sylvie Maudhuit
Daphné Meeus
Adrien Meira
Alicia Meus
Aurélie Meus
Robert Monchen
Emma Moortgat
Claire Mulders
Kaat Obbels
Emily Overlaet
Lou van 't Riet
Ranji Safarian
Zoé Schreiber
Ruben Alexander Schuster
Damien Scraeyen
Géraldine Scraeyen
Stephan Snoeckx
William Standaert
Charlotte Swenters
Laurent Taevernier
Marie Taevernier
Benjamin & Aurélie Talpe – Penneman de Bosscheyde
Bruno Teirlynck
Marie Van Ackere
Julie Van Com
Lisa Van Com
Lieselot Vandecapelle
Henri Vandekerckhove
Anneleen Van de Meulebroucke
Aurelie Van de Meulebroucke
Olivier Vandenberghe
Stephanie Vandenecker
Arthur Vandeperre
Roel Vandermeeren
Edward Van Houtte
Morgane Van Marcke
Simon Van Oostende
Alix Vanschoubroek
June Van Thillo
Arno Verbeke
Karen Verloo
Frederik Vermeersch
Emmanuel Verraes
Lauren Versnick
Hans Verstrepen
Marie Vervisch
Tom Villé
Alana Voldman
Bruno van de Voorde
Charlotte van der Vorst
Simon Zenner
Charlotte Ziegler