Il Processo/The Trial focuses on the '7 April' trial (1983-84), against the members of the leftist revolutionary movement Autonomia Operaia, and on the Aula Bunker in Rome, the high-security courthouse in Foro Italico that hosted the most important trials of the anni di piombo. The defendants included philosophers as Antonio Negri and Paolo Virno, and other intellectuals accused of being ideologically and morally responsible for Italian terrorism as it developed in the 1970s.

Rossella Biscotti, Il Processo/The Trial, 2010-14. Six hour re-enactment of the 7 April trial, with live typist and translators from Italian to English, audio piece, furniture, video. Installation view at e-flux in New York, 2013. Photo by Ray Anastas
Of the variable installation which Biscotti developed from this case-study, a six hour re-enactment of a selection of the courtroom recordings will be presented at WIELS, where local committed agents will reactivate the trial by means of live translation from Italian to French and Dutch. The chosen interpreters will connect with the content through a contemporary voice and body, because of their political curiosity, research or activism and could therefore function as a bridge between then and now.
Lorenzo Benedetti, Daniel Blanga-Gubbay, Claudia Bonamini, Gaia Carabillo, Andrea Cavazzini, Alessandra Coppola, Simona Denicolai, François Gava, Anne Herla, Sonja Lavaert, Iris Marano, Amandine Mélan, Giovanni Melogli, Stefan Pollak, Anna Raimondo, Anna Rispoli, Valeria Roveda, Elena Saraceno, Leonardo Sforza, Serge Vandiepenbeeck, Sarah Vantorre, Duccio Viani.
The Trial
07.06.2014, 12:00-18:00
With the support of 1000 designs