Jackie Karuti - Model II: construction
Opening hours: Thursday > Saturday, 14:00-18:00
Former WIELS resident Jackie Karuti brings her latest work to AFFILIATE, a space in the city centre where alumni of the WIELS Residency Programme present their projects.
Opening: Wednesday 13.11.2024, 18:00-21:00
Presentation: 14.11-30.11.2024, 14:00-18:00 (Open Thursday > Saturday)
Location: AFFILIATE, rue du Jardin des Olives 3 Olivetenhof, 1000 Brussels
Free entrance

Photo by: Sander van Wettum
© Jackie Karuti
Model II: construction considers an image through its dimensions, weight, volume, duration, projection and motion. The image constructed is assembled using audio commentary about the transition and progress of a small town into a city, footage of a site visit, and slide projections of exquisite corpse drawings.
BIO I Jackie Karuti's work departs from drawing whereby the moving & projected image is considered & used as a way to generate thought. Her practice is founded on ideas around image construction, knowledge production & the depths of possibility enabled by radical imagination. Karuti is based in Nairobi and is currently a resident at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam.