Book presentation & conversation : A. De Francesco & E. de Rijcke (EN)
For this event, the bilingual English-Italian book And Agglomerations, of Trees or E agglomerati, degli alberi o - at once a poetry book and an artist book - will be the focus of an open conversation on poetry and artistic practice between Elke de Rijcke and the author.
WIELS Auditorium
Book on sale in the WIELS bookshop

The layered book, containing texts on cosmology, war, everyday life, plant biology and stones, technology, human relations, without solution of continuity. Poetry becomes here a form of conceptual art and philosophy, and vice versa. Originally written in Italian, Alessandro De Francesco - And Agglomerations, of Trees or / E agglomerati, degli alberi o (Milan, Mousse Publishing, 2022), was translated into English by Max Norman and produced by Marco Mazzi / Villa Rondinelli Foundation.
Alessandro De Francesco is a poet, artist, and essayist. He has exhibited internationally and published several books, among which And Agglomerations, of Trees or (Mousse Publishing, 2022); Mental Dough, with Marco Mazzi (Gli Ori, 2022); Pour une théorie non-dualiste de la poésie (MIX, 2021) ; (Uitgeverij, 2021); Remote Vision. Poetry 1999-2015 (punctum books, 2016). He teaches in art academies in Turin, Bern, and Brussels.
Elke de Rijcke is a poet, poetry translator and essayist. She published several books, among which Västeras. Journal of a desemancipation (Le Cormier, 2012); Quarantaine (Tarabuste, 2014); Juin sur avril (LansKine, 2021), Et puis, soudain, il carillonne (personal anthology, LansKine, 2023). Elke is a literature and aesthetics professor at ESA Saint-Luc and erg Brussels, where she is curating The Living Library.