Wiels | EN

Thomas Swinkels (°1988, NL) lives and works in Berlin. His practice moves between sculpture, photography, video, and installation and is informed by his time living in a squat.

1 Thomas Swinkels safe 7

safe #7, 2022, Safe 35 × 25 × 25 cm

Thomas considers his work parasitic: it feeds off found objects, low-fi technologies, and stories from his immediate surroundings. This emphasis on locality is both a condition for and an ambition of his work. After graduating in 2015 from AKV|St.Joost in Breda, he continued his practice in a small village in Belgium. From 2017 to 2019, he was a participant in De Ateliers in Amsterdam. Here he met Anders, Frieder and Henna with whom he organizes the artist initiative Root Canal (www.rootcanal.eu). Not tied to a fixed space, they initiated projects in a camper van, Althuis Hofland Gallery (NL), P/////AKT (NL), De Vleeshal (NL) and an attic in Amsterdam-East. His work has been presented at Buzzer Reeves (DE), Billytown (NL), Beelden in Leiden (NL), Spirit shop (PT), Annie Gentils Gallery (BE), P/////AKT (NL), and De Appel (NL), among others.

Thomas Swinkels is supported by Mondriaan Fonds.