Wiels | EN

Polina Akhmetzyanova & Cyriaque Villemaux

Polina Akhmetzyanova (1987, Russia) & Cyriaque Villemaux (1988, France), performance artists, live and work in Brussels.

"Our mutual and/or individual performance practices has been increasingly informed by other activities such as writing, drawing, composing as well as creating voluminous objects. We join forces again to work on/with the ballet La Gamme d'Amour by James Ensor, a painter who leaps into making music and scenography.

On one hand La Gamme d'Amour is a way to give continuity to our previous works in relation to historical figures such as the Russian dancer, poet and musician Valentin Parnakh and the fin de siècle movement Les Incohérents. On the other, through the work of Ensor we see an occasion and an encouragement to consider theater rather as condition than a medium in itself."