Wiels | EN

Pieter Van Nieuwenhuyse

(b. 1981 Leuven, lives and works in Heverlee)

Art is the last harbor from where sailors can sail in any given direction, even when the harbor is institutionalized. My direction is that of the "Journeyer", the archetype I create of someone who becomes an individualist. The Journeyer's path leeds to an eternal world, which is the world of the "Wanderer". As an artist I'm working to create my eternal world both in reality and in fiction, and as a possible future for humanity. Yes, there is a strong sense of avant-gardism and grandeur in the philosophy behind my work as I implement a direction for my contemporaries!

More information about Pieter Van Nieuwenhuyse (b. 1981 Leuven): www.pietervannieuwenhuyse.net