Wiels | EN

Adrien Tirtiaux (b. 1980, Brussels), Antoine Turillon (b. 1982, France), Hannes Zebedin (b. 1976, Austria)


Established in 2010 on the initiative of Adrien Tirtiaux (BE), Antoine Turillon (FR), and Hannes Zebedin (AT), the name of this project convenes a fantasy that befits the context while sounding remarkably like an aporia. Indeed, Hotel Charleroi is the story of an unlikely encounter between young artists whose experience is marked by dealing with indefinite spaces of globalization, networking, international mobility, contradicted by a disoriented city - Ville Basse, Ville Haute, Ville 1, Ville 2 .... eroded on all sides by a rundown transport network out of scale (ring, highways, railways, subway, pipeline). A real no-place whose only area of truly functional mobility, but out of town, is the airport.

Maïté Vissault, in L'Art Même #52, 2011