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Chiara Fumai was born in Rome (1978) and lives in Milan.

The performative practice of Italian artist Chiara Fumai belongs to the tradition of female psychics, who are ‘spoken by’ different controversial entities, which the artist freely (mis)interprets and combines into new stories, questioning their symbolic meaning and representation in the mind of the viewer. Dealing with radical feminism, media culture, language and repression, her starting point is performance, later transformed into installations, videos, collages and performative displays.

Recent one-woman-shows include: With Love from $inister, A Palazzo Gallery, Brescia (2013) ; I Did Not Say or Mean ‘Warning’, Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Venice (2013); Follow This You Bitches, Futura Center for Contemporary Art, Prague (2013).

With the support of Fondazione Furla