Wiels | EN

(b. 1985; Sofia, Bulgaria)

I'm interested in how we give meaning to history and how we relate to it. To find meaning in one's own history, to become conscious of what happened and to accept it means taking responsibility for our actions. What has changed in social mechanisms since the Middle Ages, if anything has actually changed? Maybe we now live in the New Middle Ages.

Aleksandra Chaushova graduated in 2009 with a Masters of Arts in Graphic Printing from the National Art Academy, Sofia. She made her debut in 2003 with the book "Bzzz-z-z-z" (poems and dreams), which won a subsidy from the Soros Center for Cultural Policies and the Prohelvetia Arts Council of Switzerland. At that time, she also created illustrations for "Roma Fairytales II", a bilingual book (in Bulgarian and Roma) financed by the "Open Society Foundation - Bucharest," which was later nominated for the national award "Hristo G. Danov". Since then, she has worked as an illustrator and book designer.Chaushova has taken part in numerous exhibitions, among them exhibits at the International Art Triennial Osaka 2006, the International Graphic Print Triennial Krakow 2006 (nominated for "Top Graduates"), the International Paper Art Exhibition Amateras Sofia 2009, and group exhibitions in Mexico, Belgrade (Serbia), Edirne (Turkey), and Sofia.