At a time when climate change and technology are remaking our planet and habitat at exponential growth rates, biosphere and technosphere merge in a manmade world beyond man’s control. In a presentation of recent and up-coming curatorial projects, curator and critic Toke Lykkeberg will explore art in the new biotechnosphere where work is more about directing than mastering creative processes. Art is not seen solely as the product of an individual but the work of a network of human and non-human agents. One example will be the exhibition Co-Workers – The network as artist presented in 2015/2016 in collaboration with artist collective DIS at Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris. Another example will be the up-coming project with the curatorial collective Komplot, Plant B, where the art will not just be on display but also in interplay with the forces already at play in the urban environment of Brussels.

DIS, The Island, 2015 in Co-Workers, MAMVP