Short Tracks is a visual marathon of 24 solo exhibitions lasting 30 minutes each and succeeding one another on the first floor of Wiels between noon and midnight. A unique opportunity to discover the latest achievements of Belgian and foreign artists living in Brussels and working in all disciplines (painting, installation, video, performance...).

Through this mix of younger to more renowned artists, Short Tracks mirrors the vitality of the Brussels art scene. This heterogeneous list of artists allows you to discover the creative forces of a city ever more cosmopolitan and convivial.
In a scenography worth the salons of the 19th century, the works succeed one another in a sort of choreographed ballet. As an ongoing opening, Short Tracks could be recorded in the Guinness Book as the longest.
12:00 Stephanie Kiwitt
12:30 Emilio Lopez-Menchero
13:00 Koen Wastijn
13:30 Louise Herlemont
14:00 Jean-Baptiste Bernadet
14:30 Richard Venlet
15:00 Michel François
15:30 Ruben Bellinkx
16:00 Pieter Vermeersch
16:30 Damien Delepeleire
17:00 Christophe Terlinden
17:30 Pieterjan Ginckels
18:00 Pierre Tatu
18:30 Charlotte Beaudry
19:00 Projet Diligence
19:30 Suse Weber
20:00 Chris Evans
20:30 Philippe Van Snick
21:00 Pierre Bismuth
21:30 Kwinten Lavigne
22:00 Manon De Boer
22:30 Jonas Locht
23:00 Gast Bouschet & Nadine Hilbert
23:30 Ann Veronica Janssens
Short Tracks is organized in the context of the festival BRXLBRAVO.
See the video of the event here