Wiels | EN

Performatik 2019 : Dan Graham & Glenn Branca (EN)

21 03 2019 19:00 21:00

During Performatik, the Brussels festival of contemporary performance or ‘live art’, WIELS proposes two projects connecting visual art, performance and architecture: a performance by Ula Sickle & HYOID and a video programme by Dan Graham and Glenn Branca.


Dan Graham and Glenn Branca
Collaborations (1980-1992)

WIELS, in partnership with EAI and Performatik, is pleased to present a video programme highlighting Dan Graham's collaborations with iconic composer/musician Glenn Branca (1948-2018). Introduced by Graham, the screening will include two video works that feature Branca's music: Westkunst (1980) and Two-Way Mirror Cylinder Inside Cube and a Video Salon (1992) and the recording of a 1983 Graham/Branca performance collaboration Performance and Stage-Set Utilizing Two-Way Mirror and Video Time Delay.

Dan Graham's provocative art and theories analyze the historical, social and ideological functions of contemporary cultural systems, including architecture, rock music, and television. In performances, installations, and architectural/sculptural designs, he investigates public and private, audience and performer, objectivity and subjectivity. Deconstructing the phenomenology of viewing, he manipulates perception with time delay, projections, closed-circuit video, and mirrors.

Thursday 21.03.2019, 19:00
WIELS Auditorium
Video screening introduced by Dan Graham

Upon reservation

Two-Way Mirror Cylinder Inside Cube and a Video Salon
1992, 19:32 min, colour, sound

Westkunst (Modern Period): Dan Graham Segment
1980, 7:10 min, colour, sound, In German and English.

Performance and Stage-Set Utilizing Two-Way Mirror and Video Time Delay
1983, 45:45 min, b&w, sound
