Wiels | EN

Perennial #2 : Christian Waldvogel

10 06 2011 00:00 01:00

Christian Waldvogel : Globus Cassus

Perennial 2 Christian Waldvogel

Globus Cassus is an antipode to the world - not only spatially, but also in time. It is the precisely drawn up opposite of the world, and it is meant to be thought about, not to happen. It is therefore set in the infinite future, which in Celestia translates into 09/09/9999, starting at 09:09:09 in the morning. Christian Waldvogel on Globus Cassus

Swiss architect and artist Christian Waldvogel will present his project Globus Cassus; a conceptual transformation of Planet Earth into a much bigger, hollow, artificial world with an ecosphere on its inner surface. Globus Cassus was the Swiss contribution to the 2004 Venice Architecture Biennale. Since then Waldvögel describes it as an "open source" art project.
