Luc Tuymans, Zlatko Kopljar, and Ory Dessau : MERCY (Politics) (EN)
Join us for a conversation around Art & Politics and the making of the book MERCY (Politics) with artists Luc Tuymans and Zlatko Kopljar, and the author and art curator Ory Dessau. With an introduction from the book’s publisher MER. Books.
In English
Free access
Book on sale at the WIELS bookshop

Mercy (Politics) derives from the collaborative exhibition between Luc Tuymans and Zlatko Kopljar, held at Galerija Vartai in Vilnius, Lithuania, in 2022. The publication delves into the intersection of art and politics, showcasing the artists' profound engagement with political themes through their work and career. During their conversation the artists and author will delve into the thematics brought forth by the publication, taking the discourse further into the actuality of today's social and political climate. Discussion in English Free admission Book on sale at the WIELS BookshopMERCY (Politics) - Une conversation entre Luc Tuymans, Zlatko Kopljar et Ory Dessau