Melissa Gordon
Melissa Gordon discusses the history of monstrous depictions of women in relation to the notion of how paintings ’speak’ and voice is projected through the medium of painting, and walking through the exhibition of Jacqueline de Jong to see the development of a female painters voice through an exciting life and time lived.
Melissa Gordon is an American and British artist based in Brussels. Her painting practice, which is concerned with the histories and behaviours of gesture, incorporates silkscreen, readymades, writing and publishing. She has exhibited at, amongst others: Museum Dhont Dhaenens, BE, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Spike Island, Bristol, The Vleeshal, Middelburg, GARAGE, Rotterdam, Kunsthal Oslo, and WIELS in Brussels. She has upcoming exhibitions in 2021 at Towner Gallery, Eastbourne in the UK, Frans Masereel Centrum, a centenary celebration of the Koninklijk Prijs in Het Palais, Amsterdam, and Galerie Stigter van Doesburg. Recent publications of writing include 'Funny Peculiar' (2020) with Amy Sillman in Slimvolume Press and 'The Embarrassment of SUCKCESS' (2020) with Kunstinstituut Melly. She is a professor of painting at Oslo Art Academy.