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Look Who’s Talking: Filip De Boeck (NL)

Guided tour
Look Who's Talking
15 06 2016 19:00 20:00

As the coordinator of the Institute for Anthropological Research in Africa, a Research Unit of the Faculty of Social Sciences, KULeuven Professor Filip De Boeck (1961, Antwerp) is actively involved in teaching, coordinating and supervising research in and on Africa.

Since 1987 he has conducted extensive field research in both rural and urban communities in Democratic Republic of the Congo. His current theoretical interests include postcolonial memory, youth and their role within cultural policy, and the transformation of private and public space in the urban context in Africa.

Next to numerous publications, De Boeck released 'Cemetery State' in 2010, a documentary that examines how mourning rituals and funerals have become for the young people moments of upheaval and contestation against the social and political order.

Free with a ticket of the exhibition

Look Whos Talking Daniel Dewar et Oscar Murillo