From a multiverse of images, RESOLUTION magazine persistently engages with one guiding question: how do digital images format reality? In order to examine digital images in relation to their online presence, RESOLUTION wagers an implausible attempt to trap them in printed form. The magazine acts as a dissecting table for analyzing digital images cut loose from big and small screens, taken out of their “native” circulation.
To celebrate our first issue, we will screen what remains / geriye kalanlar (2018, 7 min.) from belit sağ. The artist will be present to discuss her film with art historian Kyveli Lignou-Tsamantani. Curator Laurens Otto and artist Jochem van Laarhoven, respectively editor-in-chief and image editor of RESOLUTION, will further present the magazine and its graphic design by D-E-A-L.
RESOLUTION magazine #0: The Pixel will be available for purchase at the event.
With contributions by:
Jonas Beerts
Doris Boerman
Caszimir Cleutjens
Tanguy De Donder
David Denil
Elias Heuninck
Kyveli Lignou-Tsamantani
Lev Manovich
Giacomo Mercuriali
William J. Mitchell
belit sağ
Alvy Ray Smith
The first issue is made in collaboration with KASK - School of Arts Ghent and made possible with the support of Mondriaan Fonds, Fonds Kwadraat, and the Creative Industries Fund.
20.10.2019, 14:00-15:30
WIELS Auditorium
Free entrance
Upon registration
In English