Collections slumber in the graveyard of art, no longer available to sight and cast away from the space of exhibition. These artworks, storage rooms and museum corridors offer Jean De Lacoste the opportunity to test out his gaze and explore the trouble zone of introspection. Places are treated on a formal, semantic and psychological level. The artist's approach is one of contemplation. Closed spaces, penetrating lights, opaque perspectives, and an immobile silhouette (of the performer-musician Joke Lanz) all freeze into silence... An interior landscape is depicted in this film, one in perpetual tension with an exterior world evoked only from time to time (by a view on the street for instance). By means of projections, this work "Interior Landscape" multiplies the points of view and temporal sequences, and invites us to immerse ourselves into the deepest crevices of a place, without knowing if it belongs to the museum or the artist.
Sébastien Biset