Wiels | EN

Jannis Schroeder

15 09 2017 00:00 01:00

The paintings of Jannis Schroeder (b.1989, Germany) in Something Stronger Than Me* were all made in 2017, during his (ongoing) year-long residency at WIELS. They place a particular emphasis on method and technique. Rather than producing a series or developing a signature style, Schroeder systematically employs certain parameters. For example, the dimensions of each canvas are 170-300 cm high and 130-210 cm wide.


The colour takes the form of a rectangle, following the vertical format of the canvas and coinciding with its top and bottom edges. The left and right sides are demarcated by a more or less white field, which varies in shades that are defined by the enclosed central colour. Through an extended process of painting and overpainting, each work ultimately develops its own rules. The finished work is a pictorial surface that is at once composed and dynamic. It reflects the process of its own making, by rendering readable the distinctive set of choices, gestures and corrections that determined it.

Jannis Schroeder

In the framework of Something Stronger Than Me*
15.09.2017 - 10.12.2017
