Dora Garcia - je bent de meervoudige taal - tu es la langue plurielle
‘je bent de meervoudige taal - tu es la langue plurielle' will be festively inaugurated on the 6th of May 1 PM at WIELS.

A wall sculpture by Dora García, based on the verses of Sabah Zouein. The sculpture reflects the melancholy tone that García encountered in both the commune of Forest as the poetry of Zouein. On a once splendid building near the Van Volxem sports hall, you can still see some of the golden letters of the inscription "Wielemans Ceuppens". García put a similar lettering on the façade of the sports hall, with some letters missing, though still legible because of the trace the glue leaves on the concrete. Passers by can read verses of Zouein in French, Dutch and Arabic.