Resident Laivi Suurväli is organizing a workshop for designing t-shirts in her studio, in collaboration with Goods & Services.
Using the Collaborative Compositions kit, participants are invited to use cut-out pieces from discarded books, magazines, newspapers, packaging, and fabric scraps to create artworks for different parts of a t-shirt. These artworks will later be translated into digitally printed fabric designs for custom-made t-shirts.
A diverse mix of textual, visual, and material cues serves as an inspiration for design ideas, tapping into the participants' needs, tastes, experiences, habits, and imagination, both in relation to existing clothing and their own creativity.
No specific skills are required, and all necessary materials are provided.
Collaborative Compositions is part of a new phase of the ongoing Goods & Services project, created by fashion designer-artists Laivi Suurväli and Kasia Gorniak. The workshop experiments with a participatory creative process, where direct feedback from participants helps define elements that make it enjoyable, inspiring, and fruitful.

Goods & Services