Concert starts at 19:00 (until 20:00)
Exhibitions remain open until 21:00
Free with exhibition ticket
Pak Yan Lau, born in Belgium, with roots from Hong Kong and now based in Brussels is a sound artist, improviser, musician and composer, who has developed over the years a rich, dense and captivating sound universe from prepared pianos, toy pianos, synths, electronics and various sound objects. Skilfully blending electro-acoustic approaches, she explores sound in a bewitching way, merging different sound sources with poetry, magic and finesse.
For the occasion of WIELS Shimabuku's Nocturne she will invite João Lobo (drums) and Marti Melia (bassclarinet) to create a sonic soundstate with a wink to Shimabuku's Instrumental.
You are invited to discover Shimabuku’s exhibition as a poetic introduction or in order to pursuit the poetic and musical magic.

© Mich Leemans