Wiels | EN

Black Pages #16 Launch : Lorna Macintyre

14 01 2011 00:00 01:00

BLACK PAGES is a monthly releasing artist-fanzine in an edition of 300 pieces.

Black Pages 16 Launch Lorna Macintyre

BLACK PAGES comes in the format A5, including 20 pages, printed in black&white.

BLACK PAGES invites one artist to collaborate and renames after his/her forename.

BLACK PAGES continues with issue#16 LORNA featuring Glasgow based artist Lorna Macintyre.

BLACK PAGES is a project by the Wiels artist-in-residency
Nick Oberthaler, together with Vienna based artists Christoph Meier, Ute Müller.

BLACK PAGES is available at Salon für Kunstbuch (Vienna), Florence Loewy - Books by Artists (Paris),
Inc. livros e edições de autor (Porto), Andreiana Mihail Gallery (Bucharest), Printed Matter, Inc. (New York),
 bookartbookshop (London), Gute Seiten (Hamburg), Detritus (New Haven) and at Secession (Vienna).

For further information please visit :www.blackpages.at
