Opening Pierre Leguillon The Museum of Mistakes: Contemporary Art and Class Struggle
WIELS is pleased to invite you to the opening weekend of The Museum of Mistakes.
Conceived by the French artist Pierre Leguillon, The Museum of Mistakes brings together works that Leguillon has created over the last 15 years. These are tailor-made displays that bring together photographs, film extracts, advertisements, postcards, posters, slides, record sleeves, magazines, and other types of mass media. The Museum of Mistakes proposes an exhibition model that attempts to “de-class-ify”—to reprise the exhibition’s title—the hierarchies of art and invites us to rethink the conditions of reception of art. In so doing, Leguillon inquires into the political function of art in the society where each individual is in a perpetual process of releasing and receiving information.
With the participation of Sébastien Capouet, Nicolas Chardon, Koenraad Dedobbeleer, documentation céline duval, Sylvie Eyberg, Adrien Faucheux, Yves Godin, Ana Jotta, Aglaïa Konrad, Valérie Mannaerts, Delphine Merabet, Willem Oorebeek, Conny Purtill, Clément Rodzielski, (SIC) and Marthe Wéry, among others.
Curator: Devrim Bayar
Assistant Curator: Marwann Frikach
- Friday 09.01.2015, 18:30: Exhibition Opening. Music by Handless Dj
- Saturday 10.01.2015, 11:00: Inauguration of the Teatrino Palermo by (SIC)
- Sunday 11.01.2015, 19:00: Screening of La Promesse de l'écran
With the support of Ambassade de France, Chasse-Spleen, Maison Dandoy, Duvel, Frédéric de Goldschmidt, Hotel Le Berger, Institut Français, Thalys.