The Guided Tour – Once We Shared Consequent Masturbation, Nástio Mosquito
In his new work The Guided Tour - Once We Shared Consequent Masturbation (2017), made for this occasion, Nástio Mosquito takes on a new character: Abdul RodeLaisse, a museum guide taking refugees, homeless people and other forgotten citizens through the exhibition of The Absent Museum.

Nástio Mosquito, The Guided Tour – Once We Shared Consequent Masturbation, 2017. Photograph: Tiago Maya.
12.05.2017, 19:00
13.05.2017, 19:00
26.05.2017, 19:00
27.05.2017, 20:00
Tickets via Kunstenfestivaldesarts (SOLD OUT)
In English
40 minutes
€ 14 / € 10
€ 20 Combi-ticket: expo + performance
In collaboration with Kunstenfestivaldesarts
Please note: restricted access for people with limited mobility or in bad health