Anselm Franke
Mimesis and Mimicry
In English
Price: 3
In this talk, Anselm Franke will discuss Mimesis and Mimicry in relation to Yayoi Kusama's work, and trace other genealogies of the mimetic in modern and contemporary art as well as in a political reading of psychology, suggesting that mimicry is a state in which known borders between self and world dissolve. Based on a research for an upcoming exhibition on the mimetic as a strategy in contemporary art (Extra City, Antwerp, January 2008), this talk discusses how "being is being like", and in doing so,poses questions of identity and difference once again, yet in a slightly different light.
Anselm Franke is Artistic Director of Extra City in Antwerpen, and co-curator of Manifesta 7, Alto Adige, Italy, 2008.
31/10 20:00
Yu Kanki
The crisis of the body during the feminist struggles
In English
Price: 3
Yu Kanki will present the relationships between art and feminism in New York in the Sixties and Seventies and, in particular, the political aspects and feminist symbols in Kusamas work. The comparision between the Japanese artists work, the feminist struggles and the artists from that movement such as Carolee Schneemann will reveal the originality and the influence of Yayoi Kusama on a new generation of female artists.
Yu Kanki is a graduate in Art History from the Catholic University of Louvain-La-Neuve and a specialist of the art of Yayoi Kusama.
14/11 20:00
Lars Bang Larsen
Consciousness is Energy Received by Structure
Psychedelia revisited
In English
Price: 3
Psychedelic art of the 1960s is a subject mired with nostalgia and cliché (drugs, revolution, 'The Summer of Love' and so on); and it has always suffered from being misunderstood as an extravagant form of pop art (as it is also the case with the reception of Yayoy Kusama's work). In this way psychedelia remains one of art history's black sheep, even if the movement early on experimented with issues which are also central concerns in contemporary art, such as self-organisation, the use of new media, and the production of soundscape. With examples from psychedelic scenes in different parts of the world, Lars Bang Larsen will look beyond hippie stereotypes and try to re-define the politics of psychedelia.
Lars Bang Larsen is an independent writer and curator based in Copenhagen and Frankfurt. He writes for Afterall, Frieze and Artforum International and is currently completing a Ph.D. in art history at the University of Copenhagen, on the subject of the international dissemination of 1960s psychedelic art and culture. Exhibitions he has co-curated include Pyramids of Mars (Barbican Centre 2000), The Invisible Insurrection of a Million Minds (Sala Rekalde, Bilbao 2005) and Populism (Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, and other venues 2005).
28/11 20:00
Sex in the Sixties
Erotic films by female directors
Price: 3
Restricted to spectators above 18 years old
3 erotic films by female directors in the 60's: an original viewpoint on the debate opposing feminism and pornography.
Christmas on Earth by Barbara Rubin, 1963, 30 min.
Fuses by Carolee Schneemann, 1964 67, 25 min
Mann & Frau & Animal by Valie Export, 1970 73, 10 min
14/12 20:00
Andrea Crews
Price: 3
Wiels invites Andrea Crews to perform in Belgium for the first time! Since its founding in Paris in 2001, Andrea Crews combines several disciplines of contemporary art under the appellation "Fashion Art Activism". Between art and fashion design, she presents and stages her collections like performances, hapenings and video clips, creating events at the border of art and everyday life.
For Wiels, Andrea Crews organizes a creative workshop using second hand clothes. This collection will be presented during a performance in the installation of Yayoi Kusama, broadcasted live on a large screen in the brew hall of Wiels, where the public will be welcomed on Friday 14/12 at 8pm for the closing of the exhibition Dots Obsession.
Andrea Crews founder and fashion designer, Maroussia Rebecq conceives and transforms second-hand clothes. Her creations and performances have been presented at the Palais de Tokyo, the Fashion Museum, the Générale and the Museum of Modern art in Paris. After Madrid, Jakarta, Mexico, Bilbao, Berlin and Amsterdam, she prepares a project of recycling of clothes in New York with the White Box Gallery in 2008. www.andreacrews.com