© Photographie de Juan d'Oultremont, pièces de sa collection de << soldats blessés >>
In contemporary art this question has aroused the interest of quite a few artists. But war has many faces and personae, and in a number of works it may appear as a secret pulsation or as an unperceived horizon, just out of sight. On the world’s stage, it is the other side of the picture, one of the names for Freud’s death drive. Serge Daney sums the point up when he writes : One is solitude, two is the couple, from three on it’s a world war. Yves Depelsenaire is a psychoanalyst. L’envers du décor is his third book.
With :
Pauline de La Boulaye, art historian
Eric Angenot and Juan d'Oultremont , visual artists
09.01.2014, 19:30
In French