Sandrine Colard, artistic director of the sixth edition of the Biennale de Lubumbashi, Sammy Baloji, artist, member of Picha and co-founder of the Biennale de Lubumbashi, and Georges Senga, artist and member of Picha, will talk about the history of the Biennale de Lubumbashi and present the concept and programme of its next edition.

This edition explores the possibilities of repurposing the cartography of the world. One of the seven African countries crossed by the equator, the Congo claims the longest segment of the parallel on the continent. The biennale takes the equator as an element of imbrication rather than demarcation, and unfolds the imaginary line to shift the paradigms of centre and periphery, from "North" to "South." As enunciated by the thinker Achille Mbembe: "There is not a part of the world whose history does not have some African dimension, just as there is an African history only as an integral part of the world's history.” This edition of the Biennale de Lubumbashi is interested in mapping these links and in tracing these genealogies in a new way to produce new narratives of the past and to re-imagine a plurality of futures.
The Biennale de Lubumbashi is an initiative of Picha, an independent artistic association that supports and promotes artistic creation in the DRC, and will be held from October 24 to November 24, 2019 in various locations of the city, including the National Museum of Lubumbashi, the Institute of Fine Arts of Lubumbashi, the contemporary art gallery Dialogues, the Halle de l'Etoile / French Institute, the Maison Wallonie-Bruxelles and the Complexe La Plage.
More info:
26.06.2019, 18:30
WIELS Auditorium
Free entry
In French and English