Open 16: La biennale d'art comme phénomène global. Stratégies à l'époque néopolitique
Presentation of Open 16 by Jorinde Seijdel, Editor in Chief of Open
- Pascal Gielen: The Biennal. A Post-institution for the immaterial labour
- Brian Holmes: Possible Futures? International Art After Neoliberalism

Within the framework of the first Brussels Biennal, Pascal Gielen, in collaboration with deBuren, Bamart and the department Kunstpraktijk in samenleving of the arts university Fontys, organized on October 19, 2008 in Brussels, a program of conferences and debates about the art biennial as global phenomenon.
The texts of the speakers Chantal Mouffe, Michael Hardt, Boris Groys, Charles Esche and Maria Hlavajova are published in Open 16, which also includes texts of Brian Holmes, Irit Rogoff, Simon Sheikh and Thierry de Duve. The selection of the texts was made by Pascal Gielen and Jorinde Seijdel, Editor in Chief of Open. This special issue also celebrates the 5 years of existence of the publication.
Open. Cahier over kunst en het publieke domein, is an initiative of Stichting Kunst in Openbare Ruimte (SKOR) in Amsterdam and is published by NAi-Uitgevers. Open is conceived as an anthology within which the various conditions of the public domain are explored through the cultural prism.
The theme of the biennial also reveals the way in which this phenomenon and its legitimating discourses refer to the thinking of the city and urban policy, to new concepts of openess and the implications of the processes of globalisation and mediatization.
Open 16 is produced by deBuren, SKOR, BAM and Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten. With the support of the first Brussels Biennal.
Jorinde Seijdel is art historian and editor. She is Editor in Chief of Open. Book over kunst in het publieke domein and president of the Commission of Support Subsidies of Fonds BKVB. Her articles have been published in Metropolis M, Flash Art, Mediamatic Magazine, De Witte Raaf and Open.
Pascal Gielen is professor of sociology of art and cultural policy at the Rijksuniversiteit in Groningen. He also teaches the course Kunstpraktijk in samenleving at Fontys in Tilburg. Gielen regularly writes about dance, visual arts, cultural policy.
Brian Holmes is an American theorist and writer who lives and works in Paris. He researches, gives conferences and writes about "geopolitics and geopoetics". He publishes on his blog entitled Continental Drift. The other side of neoliberal globalization.