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The Promise of the Screen presents Photography Manual

22 02 2015 19:00 20:00

An anthology of film scenes about how to frame, shoot, light and develop film, and also, perhaps, about how to commit suicide with a camera. This sequence is based on technical and popularising works kept by the French Photography Society in Paris, and details the multiple uses of the medium: from fashion photography to judicial photography, and from amateur photography to photo-journalism.

Based on an idea by Pierre Leguillon
Production: Elysée Museum, Lausanne
Photo expert: Aurélien Mole
Camera: Julien Crépieux
Montage: Adrien Faucheux
Assistant editor: Olivier Strauss
With special thanks to Clément Chéroux, Paul-Louis Roubert and Sam Stourdzé.

Bonus: “The Polaroid SX–70” by Charles and Ray Eames

Free with exhibition ticket

La Promesse de lécran présente Manuel de photographie