On the basis of the drawings and the videos presented in this new retrospective, we will continue the dialogue initiated a few years ago with Anne-Mie van Kerkhoven. We had built this dialogue around themes and disciplines which then came across her work (and still do): cybernetics, the philosophy of language, the body and emotions. While refering to those subjects, we will outline the own dynamics of drawing : intermediary time, desire, surplus of images from an interior world, starting a complex series of works.

Doctor in Aesthetics, Corinne Melin pursues a deep interest in the ways in which contemporary art networks are built, developed and perpetuated. She has curated historical exhibitions and projects with young artists in France and in Europe. She writes critical texts for various contemporary art journals in France, Belgium, Canada, Romania, etc. She has also worked on various artistic missions and theorized the relationships between art, work, and daily life.