Every last SUNDAY of the month at 10:30 the cine-club invites children between 5 and 10 years old, to come and discover non commercial animated films.
Sunday 25.09
De longues vacances
Caroline Nugues Bourchat- Belgium- frv- 15’ 45
When Louise goes camping for the first time at the shores of the sea, she experiences a lot of joyful moments with her parents. Together with her father she discovers an extraordinary treasure that once belonged to a real mermaid!
La légende du Crab-Phare
Gaëtan Borde, Benjamin Lebourgeois, Claire Vandermeersh, Alexandre Veaux, Mengjing Yang, Frankrijk, 2016, not much dialogue, 6'
Crabe-Phare is a huge, old crab. She feeds herself with sunken ships. But getting older and older, it becomes increasingly difficult to satisfy this hunger…
Carlos Lascano – Argentine – without words– 2014 – 9'10”
Lila, a dreamy young girl, can not accept the reality as she perceives it. So she uses her imagination, her sketchbook and pencils to give color to what she sees.
The Fly
Marco Di Gerlando – Italy – without words – 2015 – 7'
For a school assignment, Carlotta needs to draw an animal starting with a ‘M’… This doesn’t seems to be an easy task.
After the movie, the children can participate to a workshop with a theme of the movie, given by Sandra Verkaart.
Reservation recommended : kids@wiels.org